Trent-Severn Waterway
The Waterway is a National Historic Site and maintained by Parks Canada
GPS Coordinates are 44.307531, -78.301637. Link on Google Maps |
The Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site is a popular destination for boaters.
The Locks are operated from Victoria Day Weekend to Thanksgiving Weekend. Except this Victoria Day Weekend in 2019 where the water levels are too high. We decide to inspect some of the locks before we venture out there with our canoe.
Lock 45 - Port Severn
It was our first lock visit and also the last lock before Lake Huron. There is a exhibit and visitor center according to the website. But with our luck, the place was closed due to major construction. Left in the picture is the Swing Bridge and just behind there is the lock. Oh well, next time.
We had at least two more locks on our list, Lock 44 - Big Chute Marine Railway and any of the standard locks that were easily accessible. We quickly found out that Lock 43 - Swift Rapids is only accessible on water, unless you have a permit to use the service road.<
Lock 44 - Big Chute Marine Railway
A most impressive installation. The old carriage is still on display and looks as if it is ready to carry the boats from one level to the other.
The new carriage (on top of the hill) is much bigger. There are four tracks, one for every wheel to keep the platform level.
To the left is the Hydro Generating station.
One of the main attractions of the Trent Severn Waterway are the Restaurants along the way. They are ready for the boater with docks and a variety of food choices.
Some of the locks have camp sites or are near a town. Several Bed & Breakfast places are along the canal.
And if you don't have your own boat, canoe or kayak, you can book a tour with one of the many cruise lines.
And let's not forget the option to rent a house boat. The rental is around $200 per day for a 4-person boat.
Lock 42 - Couchiching
The next lock after lunch.
Lock 41 - Gamebridge
This is the last of five manual locks downstream. They were just wrapping up the construction on this lock, new concrete walls and gates. It looks nice. Can't wait to see these in action from inside the lock.
Lock 37 - Bolsover
This is the first of the five manual locks in a row. It is also the deepest manual lock along the Waterway.
Lock 36 - Kirkfield Lift Lock
It is the second highest hydraulic lift lock in the world with a lift of 15 metres. Two huge bathtubs lifting vessels from one water level to the other.
And the Aquaduct to connect the Waterway to the lift system. Another must-do with our canoe.
We have a few weekends this summer. As long as the weather plays along, we may be able to visit a handful of locks this year.
Lock 35 - Rosedale
It is summer and time to continue our Lock visits.
Lock 34- Fenelon Falls
Lock 33 - Lindsay
Lock 28 - Burleigh Falls
This lock is on Lovesick Lake. The next lock, Lock 29 is only a short distance away and located on a island.
Lock 28 has a nice parking lot for all day parking and a boat launch. This will be likely our first canue trip.
Lock 26 - Lakefield
Lock 25 - Sawer Creek