Abandoned Northair Mine
Gold, Silver and other minerals drew the people to this place. Now it is the colourful murals that transformed the mine into an art gallery
GPS Coordinates are 50.126473460837424, -123.10382875887096. Link on Google Maps |
Two days earlier, we visited the Alexander Falls south of the Callaghan Provincial Park exit. It was the day after heavy rain and we were hoping to take some nice pictures from the waterfall. On the way back, we decided to take the Callaghen Creek FSR. About half in, we noticed a trail. We could hear the trail saying "Take me, take me!". So we did. The trail took us about 600 meters up the Sproatt Mountain. We turned around shortly before sunset.
We found out the next day that we passed the abandoned Northair Mine on the way up. Now we are back to have a closer look.
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The Northair Mine is without a doubt a marvel of an abandoned mine. Not what one would expect like shafts and artifacts. The concret walls were transformed into an outdoor art galery.
The mine started production in 1976 and stopped in 1982. This is not a typical abandoned mine with wood beams of questionable structural integrity. The above ground structures are solid concrete and here to stay for many years. They filled the entrances with tailings to prevent access to the shaft. Based on the information we found, the shafts drop almost 1000 feet with five levels. Some were filled using the waste materials from the new layers as they dug deeper. This mining method is called cut-and-fill and used in underground mining where no artificial support is needed.
When we drove on the narrow trail onto the mine area, we first looked at this amazing painting. We parked the Jeep and started our visit at the art gallery.
These two paintings are the two biggest in size. Many other stunning pictures cover the surfaces not easily seen from the outside. Walking around here is like an art gallery with many rooms and walls.
We have no intention to document all the paintings. Instead, we hope to inspire you, the reader to make the trip to this amazing place. Driving up the steep road requires all wheel drive and good ground clearance. This trail is mainly used by dirt bikes and ATVs. The FSR is about 3 km in length and hiking is an excellent option. Keep in mind that there are no signs. Prepare for your hike or get a guided tour.
The Northair Lake just above the mine.
We continued our trip. The trail deteriorated fast and got very steep. We found a small pull-out and walked the remaining 300 meters up to the point where cars would create major damage to the narrow trail.
The weather was in our favour and we could see the mountain ranges around us. Down in the valley is the Whistler Olympic Park.