Nagagamisis Provincial Park
July 24, 2017 - Camping at Nagagamisis Provincial Park, way north of Sault Ste. Marie and exploring the area
GPS Coordinates are N49 27.3189 W84 42.11754. Link on Google Maps |
We spent three nights at the Nagagamisis camp site. Plenty of amazing Forest Service Roads and lakes.
For the Off Road Enthusiasts, there are a lot of Forest Service Roads in the area.
The area around the Park is mostly Crown Land (Policy ID: G1729, G1798 and others) and belong to the Hearst, Wawa and Nipigon District. Consult the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas from the Ministry of Natural Resources for current information. Provincial Parks are regulated by a different Policy ID. Be aware, there is usually no cell phone connection | . |
We had a lake front property, the view was spectacular.
For all the Provincial Parks we visited, Nagagamisis is the most awe inspiring place so far. Many sites were occupied by seasonal permit holders. Their trailers were decorated with dim LED lights and Canada flags. Seating arrangements were finished with carpets and flower pots. They all used solar panels to keep their batteries charged and the lights going all night long.
We try to stay humble and didn't get flower pots ... yet /ddsrqbpzt72/$FILE/smeily.png!OpenElement)
The sunset was worth the price of admission. Around that time, the wind usually calmed down.
Most days we had strong winds, not optimal for fishing.
But lots of opportunities to explore the Forest Service Roads. And there were many.
Some Service Roads were built for logging. This one was likely active two years ago. New growth exploded all around us, flowers, shrubs and trees.
When exploring Crown Land, bring some essential tools. An axe and saw to collect fire wood. The reason we stopped there were the piles of wood. All dry and in perfect condition to be used in our camp site fire pit.
The Nagagamisis Provincial Park is on 631. We arrived from highway 11, about 35 km to the north. As soon as we left highway 11, we lost all cellular reception. The next tower was 35 km south on 631 in Hornepayne.
This is also the only place to get some of the essentials like bread and milk. Another alternative is Hearst, but that would be a 100 km trip.
Becker Road
Since we made it to Hornepayne, we decided to go east on Becker Road. Another service road that promised some uncharted (for us) territory.
It seems as there is no end to the trees and water. The wet weather conditions were very favourable for the mosquito population. And as the saying goes "when there are horse flies the black fly season is over". Well, not true, they ALL found us.
There is a way to navigate all the way north-east to Hearst. That is a 125 km long stretch on Service Roads. Something to consider next time.
Sawmill Lake. A beautiful place to stay for a few nights next time.
Along Hwy 631
Back on 631 more forest and lakes. No hydro lines, no cell tower, no dwelling, no nothing else. We didn't pass more than 5 cars on this stretch of the road.
This part looked like a forest fire cleared the trees. This is the other option that supports new growth beside logging. When we stopped here to take a picture, a raptor fled the nest on top of the dead tree.
Arnott Lake off 631. We crossed path with a family that was camping on Crown Land close to the lake. We made a mental note to come back here for fishing and camping sometime in the future.
A small hand written sign pointed to Redpine Lake. Another place where Garmin was of no help. The lake opens up to the left and from the research I did, there should be good fishing here. We noticed plenty of food for the fish, the kind of food that flies and eats you alive.
Last day. We left early but had to stop just outside the park to enjoy the sun rise.
We had a long way ahead, over 800 km to get to the Algonquin Provincial Park.