Marten River Provincial Park

May 19, 2017 - Long weekend in the Provincial Park

GPS Coordinates are N46 43.9976 W79 48.1216.
Link on Google Maps

Victoria Day Long Weekend, perfect opportunity to get outside. Marten River Provincial Park is on Hwy 11 about 60 km north of North Bay. It is within about four to five hours from Mississauga, a reasonable distance for a quiet long weekend getaway.

For the Off Road Enthusiasts, there are several Forest Service Roads in the area.

Marten River is mostly Crown Land (Policy ID: E154r) and belongs to the North Bay District. Consult the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas from the Ministry of Natural Resources for current information. Provincial Parks are regulated by a different Policy ID. Be aware, there is usually no cell phone connection.Map Icon

Marten River Provincial Park Camp Site 99

We returned to the Park in spring 2018 to explore the Finlayson Lake, just south of the park.

The Marten River.

Marten River

Marten River Historical Logging Camp

Marten River Historical Logging Cabin

Marten River Historical Logging Camp equipmentTake your time and read the description. The buildings and tools are all documented.
The one below with the wheels is actually a break.
Marten River Historical Logging Camp Break

Marten River Historical Logging Camp building

First published on May 19, 2017 Contact Us  Help