Minnesing Bike Trail

Algonquin Provincial Park - Minnesing Bike Trail close to the Canisbay Camp

GPS Coordinates are N45 33.201 W78 36.179. UTM grid map: Zone 17, NAD27 Easting=687098 Northing=5047000.
Link on Google Maps

This is a bike trail in summer and a cross country trail in winter.

Minnesing Trail entrance from hwy 60

Still closed at beginning of May.

Minnesing Trail closed

Back again 4 years later. The trail is open.

Minnesing Trail parking

Don't be fooled by the easy beginnings.

Minnesing bike trail

The trail will get more technical very soon.
We didn't bring the bikes, so the first few meters is all I could capture.

Minnesing bike trail path

The trail is used for cross country skiing. The log house is open.
Start a fire and you can return to a warm place after your workout.

Minnesing Trail in winter

First published on May 12, 2011
Last revised on August 23, 2015
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