Logging Museum
Algonquin Provincial Park - Logging Museum
GPS Coordinates are N45 32.647 W78 15.797. UTM grid map: Zone 17, NAD27 Easting=713648 Northing=5046823. Link on Google Maps |
You can find more information at the Logging Museum webpage.
Look for the Loggers Day at the end of July. See how it was done in the old days.
Approaching the Logging Museum from highway 60.
Enter the Logging Museum through the main building.
Take the few minutes to watch the introduction movie, an excellent document about the logging history.
The first building you will see is this marvel of a log house.
Fire Place in the sleeping quarter
Further into the trail you'll find several historic artifacts and machines.
This picture was taken in 2004. Not sure if the truck is still part of the exhibit.
The Logging Museum is open all year.
First published on May 12, 2011 Last revised on August 21, 2015 | Contact Us Help |