Hailstorm Creek

Algonquin Provinical Park - Sidearm of Opeongo Lake, accessible by canoe only

GPS Coordinates are N45 43.382 W78 27.170. UTM grid map: Zone 17, NAD27 Easting=698219 Northing=5066213.
Link on Google Maps

A nice day trip if you like canoeing. This is not for the novice, the trip is long and you will have strong head wind at least one way. Take the taxi in the morning, as early as possible. Bring lunch and lots of water. There are practically no places for a picnic. Be prepared to spend all the time in the canoe.
From the Lake Opeongo Outfitter dock, it is about 8 km across the open lake to reach the entrance of Hailstorm Creek (this is one way).
Paddling back to the car may easely take two hours, consider to use the water taxi both ways. It's a big lake and the wind could add another hour or more to the trip.

The coordinates are right here on a small island in the middle of nowhere on Lake Opeongo.

Heilstorm Creek water taxi drop off

There is some wildlife, but you have to be patient and quiet.

Heilstorm Creek beaver dam and duck

The whole area is swampy and covered with water lilies

Heilstorm Creek Lillypad

You may find some remains of human activities. The original purpose was unclear to us.

Heilstorm Creek building remains

First published on May 12, 2011 Contact Us  Help