Along the way

Take your time and smell the roses

We've seen several beaten lobster traps on the beach. This one here still looked like a trap with the ropes attached. All the others were in much worse condition and would have made a very poor front yard ornament. After great deliberation, we left it there.

Beat up lobster trap

North Shore Weather Stone Seen along the Cabot Trail.

The weather prediction was "Wet on top".

We may not have seen many of the big land animals, but welcomed the butterfly that posed long enough to take a picture. We encountered this Atlantis Fritillary on Ross Island. The island is not inhabited where we've noticed an abundance of birds and insects.


Tall Church in Nova Scotia Not sure anymore where these two churches are located.

We have passed by so many churches along the way. Some of them were majestic and dominated the landscape. Most were smaller and usually very well maintained. The church below was in need of maintenance and it was an exception.

Old Churche in Nova Scotia

This is on Prince Edward Island, farm country.

PEI Farm land

Somewhere along the way - I love to take pictures of skeleton trees.

Forest and dead tree

One of the beaches where we went for a walk but didn't go for a swim.

A sandy beach

Lighthous top We are totally fascinated by lighthouses. There is even a lighthouse trail in Nova Scotia, we followed the trail for a short while.

As I pointed out in another post, some of the lighthouses have a fog horn. In short, those honk'n lighthouses are awesome.
We grew up in a country that has mountains, is famous for cheese and chocolate. Hence the fascination and ignorance.
We learned that they blink at different intervals. They also honk at different intervals. It makes sense, how else would you know which light is where.

Lighthouse accross the bay

Point Prim Lighthouse east of Charlottetown on PEI. Oh look, there are some old fashioned lobster traps.
We actually passed a factory that produces these traps. There were hundreds of them racked and stacked on skids.

Point Prim Lighthouse

Cape Forchu Lightstation south-west of Yarmouth.

Cape Forchu Lightstation

First published on August 20, 2018 Contact Us  Help